I am two months out of surgery. Yesterday we flew out to Lexington for my follow-up appointment this morning. Though I definitely still have a lot of work I do, I am doing better than they expected! I still have trouble with properly raising my arm above my shoulder, but I knew that, and am just starting to work on it in Physical Therapy. My strength in the muscles attached to my scapula is very good, and impressed Dr. Kibler (my surgeon). He says that this indicates a very good, strong attachment of all my muscles in the area. My AC Joint was also very stable. The challenge now will be learning how to do more with my shoulder, strengthening it, and then building endurance. I got permission to swim now, though not freestyle or back stroke, and in another month I am allowed to canoe, paddleboard, etc. This is very exciting as previously, I was only walking/hiking, which is fun, but it will be nice to be able to mix it up some.
They did say that people tend to get frustrated that they can't do things around month 3 or 4, because of lack of strength/endurance, so I will have to continue to be aware of my situation and know that it will get better as time goes on. In other exciting news, Dr. Kibler and Aaron's (program coordinator) study on scapular muscle detachment was approved for publishing. This is very exciting as their work is now recognized and legitimate to the medical world, helping them and people with these injuries. Overall, it was a very exciting and uplifting appointment.